Wejden Brahmi has an Agronomic Engineering degree. I am a 5th-year doctoral student in Biological and Integrated control in agriculture. I enrolled at INAT's Institut National Agronomique de Tunis’ and am researching at INRAT's National Institute of Agronomical Research in Tunisia.’ The title of my thesis is «Production of drought-tolerant barley-doubled haploid by culture of anthers in vitro.»My thesis advisor is Dr Ltifi Ali. My research centers around the selection of drought-tolerant lines.
According to the IPCC 2014 report, the Mediterranean region will be affected by climatic solid changes in terms of average temperature and precipitation regime. Different approaches can be deployed to implement a climate-smart agriculture paradigm and a sustainable increase in agricultural productivity. Agriculture alone consumes 70% of the entire water available on the planet. In our work, we focused on a typical Mediterranean crop: Barley. When we explored the possibility of identifying genotypes resilient to water stress for future breeding aims, we used high throughput phenotyping (HTP). Many traits were considered: digital biovolume, the health index, and green index, measures based on imaging techniques in the RGB domain, and a non-destructive, non-invasive approach, as opposed to destructive and time-consuming traditional methods. Our results indicate that HTP can discriminate genotypes. In addition, these methods based on RGB quality images can easily be scaled to field phenotyping structure USVs or UAVs.