Mbari Sonia is PhD researcher in Topic Plant science. Researcher lecturer in Plant Biology in the National Research Institue of Rural Engineering, Water and Forest (INRGREF) 2016-2021. Post doc in Faculty of Agrobiology food and Natural Resouces in Prague Czech Republic 2019/2020. She has PhD in biological science in a fellowship between Faculty of Science in Tunisia and Centre of Edafologia et Biologia CEBAS-CICIC Spain. During her PhD she was interested in soil biology, microbiology, abiotic stress in plants grown under organic amendment. Current research interest covers plant tolerance and screening different germoplasm to salt stress tolerance, secondary metabolites accumulation under abiotic stress special salt stress. She has published about 23 book chapters and journal papers. Member of ATAE association Abel Grenier/Tunisian Association for Environmental Agriculture, member ASPB plant biology association
Soil salinity is one of the utmost abiotic stresses in the world. It severely limits yields and threatens land productivity in arid and semi-arid regions of the Mediterranean area, which leads to a reduction in cultivable areas and represents a threat to the environmental balance of these regions. Identifying more adapted species and the selection of variety tolerant to salinity would remain the most efficient economic way to exploit the salt-affected lands. P. maritimum L. is one of the best known endangered species in its natural habitats due to urbanization, tourism development and overharvesting. This research aims to study the physiological and biochemical characteristics and their evolutions in the different vegetative stages of a plant from the northern Tunisian coast (Pancratium maritimum). The results showed significant plant behavior differences depending on the growth stage. The mature stage shows the highest biomass production and the growth in length. Thus, this plant maintains a high relative leaf water content (90.19%) and is considered a species resistant to drought and salinity. In addition, germination of seeds under different salt concentrations to enhance the ability of the plant to adapt to high salt concentrations (200 Mm NaCl) showing a slow cycle of germination of the plant. This plant is rich in vegetable fibers and polyphenols, so the seeds are loaded with Total Nitrogenous Matter (TMA), which is suggested as a fodder plant.