leading researcher of laboratory Introduction of medicinal plants of Tashkent Botanical Garden, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ferula tadshikorum is a representative of the genus Ferula L. It is endemic to Central Asia, its habitat covers Southern Uzbekistan and Southern Tajikistan (southwestern Pamir-Alai) (Korovin et al., 1984; Rakhmonov, 2017; Khojimatov et al., 2018). Since ancient times, raw materials Ferula tadshikorum in traditional medicine have been used for medicinal purposes to treat many diseases (Sadykov, 2003; Small, 2012; Sharopov, 2018). Both the underground (air-hardened milky sap of the roots) and the above-ground parts are medicinal raw materials.
Recently, the natural populations of the medicinal plant Ferula tadshikorum have been in a negative state, therefore, research on the peculiarities of development in ex-sity conditions is required to preserve and obtain medicinal raw materials. Reducing of the duration of stages in juvenile and immature individuals in ontogenesis was established, as well as the transition to the virginile stage from the 3rd year of plant life on the base of 5-year experiments on the introduction of Ferula tadshikorum in the Tashkent Botanical Garden.
The analysis of the data obtained from five growing seasons allowed us to identify some morphological features of the leaves for different age conditions. So juvenile plants have only simple leaves, immature individuals have two varieties of leaves, trifoliate and 5-6-lobed, or rarely 7-lobed in the fifth year of vegetation, virginile plants have once or twice pinnately dissected leaves in different numbers.
Naturally, the development of the aboveground part is synchronously accompanied by an increase in the size of the root system. In the fifth growing year, some virginile plants have leaf segments of the first order twice or thrice pinnately dissected. In the fifth growing season (2023), we observed a sharp increase in the ratio of virginile individuals to other individuals, which indicates the prosperities of the introduction.