
Anita Samuga

  • Designation: Principal Scientist, BASF Corporation
  • Country: USA
  • Title: Leveraging Next Generation Sequencing for Gene Discovery in Crops


Anita Samuga is a Principal Scientist in the Seeds and Traits Division of BASF Agricultural Solutions. She received her PhD in Plant Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology at Michigan Technological University in 2003 and is an expert researcher in molecular genomics at BASF in North Carolina, USA. She has been with BASF since 2009 and has worked on several crops such as maize, rice, cotton, and soybean. She is a Sr. Team Lead and manages the Applied Genetics lab where she utilizes molecular genomics and genetics to innovate and support crop breeding for product discovery and development. 


Short read sequencing and genome wide association studies have accelerated gene and quantitative trait loci discovery in crops.  High quality reference plant genome assemblies and construction of pan genomes is now providing a source for SNPs and novel structural variant discovery. We are utilizing long read sequencing in multiple facets for novel gene discovery in soybean and cotton. QTL identification and fine mapping of genes is refined by oxford nanopore sequencing to deconvolute complex highly repetitive regions of the genome previously inaccessible with short read sequencing. Fine mapping combined with transcriptome sequencing provides a robust method to identify candidate genes associated with plant pathogen response. High throughput marker technologies coupled with advanced phenotyping platforms provide new avenues for marker trait associations, genotyping, and genomic assisted selection. We leverage next generation sequencing technologies for QTL detection and gene discovery to support breeding and enable crop improvement. 

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